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 Neighborhood Guide


Gramercy Park is, of course, the heart of this neighborhood, but unlike most parks in most cities, you can’t get into this one unless you have a key to it. It isn’t open to the public and hasn’t been since it was first opened in 1831. This exclusiveness helps set the tone for the whole neighborhood, where nannies stroll with other people’s children and poodles walk their owners.

Gramercy looks and feels a bit like Boston’s Back Bay or better yet London, with its elegant brownstones and clusters of little townhouses. Finding a place in one of these elegant townhouses on the park or in one of the stone-row houses (most complete with doorman) will be tough; you’ll have better luck finding space in one of the newer high-rises that line the area. This is a great place to raise a family—if you can afford it, that is—or live a quiet, peaceful existence in the center of Manhattan in a clean, relatively safe neighborhood. Most apartments here are single-family dwellings, and a lot of older professionals also live here.

Gramercy Apartments- New York City-NYC-Manhattan
  Cohen Smith Chang
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